The FDA & Gluten Free Labeling

Coming Soon. That’s the vague answer coming from the Food and Drug Administration, in regard to Gluten Free labeling requirements.

Via By Jennifer Iscol

On May 4th, members of the national celiac and gluten intolerance community met in Washington, D.C., to urge the Food and Drug Administration to finalize gluten-free labeling rules. The event was very successful and I wanted to share a bit more about it.

The May 4th event was led by a broad-based coalition, including nonprofit organizations, celiac disease centers and gluten-free food manufacturers. Jules Shepard, a gluten-free cookbook author and baker, and John Forberger, a gluten-free athlete and blogger, met through Twitter, came up with the idea for the event and created the website

Andrea Levario, Executive Director of the American Celiac Disease Alliance (ACDA), crafted the successful political strategy in conjunction with ACDA President Beth Hillson, who is also food editor of Living Without magazine. ACDA has been a key proponent of gluten- free food labeling since 2003. For this event, I represented the Celiac Disease Foundation, a founding member of ACDA and North Bay Celiacs’ national affiliate, as their national liaison. Here’s part of our group, walking the halls of Congress:

Members of the coalition spent the day visiting members of Congress, who were very receptive. Betty McCollum of Minnesota and Nita Lowey of New York, are particularly committed to tracking FDA’s progress and seeing this through. They both attended the evening reception at the Embassy Suites Washington D.C.

Just a few of the many others present that evening and supporting the event: Dr. Alessio Fasano of the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research; the University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center; King Arthur Flour Company; Nu-World Amaranth; Glutino/Gluten-Free Pantry; Gluten Intolerance Group; National Foundation for Celiac Awareness; Lee Tobin of Whole Foods Gluten-Free Bakehouse; and support groups from around the region.

Something that week also triggered a response by the FDA. Was it the Washington Post article critical of the FDA’s delay, 5,000 letters to the FDA by members of the public, or perhaps the 11 foot gluten-free cake at the evening reception? Mike Taylor, the FDA’s deputy commissioner for foods, attended the reception and seemed impressed that the coalition is so broad-based and includes the gluten-free food industry.

Here’s a picture from the reception: From the left, FDA Deputy Commissioner Mike Taylor, Living Without magazine editor Alicia Woodward, Representative Betty McCollum (D-MN), American Celiac Disease Alliance executive director Andrea Levario.

“I want people to understand that the FDA gets it. We’re on this. We’ll get this moving,”

Deputy Commissioner Taylor spoke before the assembled crowd in the hotel lobby and promised to get the job done. “I want people to understand that the FDA gets it. We’re on this. We’ll get this moving,” he announced. He said the long-awaited Safety Assessment to determine a safe level for gluten in food would be out within a few weeks, open for a public comment period, and then the final rule would follow.

Let’s see, that was exactly three weeks ago today…FDA, we are watching and waiting.

Stay tuned for more details.

2 thoughts on “The FDA & Gluten Free Labeling

  1. sleepinghorse

    Where would we be without people like you. People that see something very wrong that affects a lot of others and then they don’t just complain, they do something about it. Thank you for your efforts. Here in New Zealand there don’t seem to be very good standard for gluten free labeling but I’m sure we share this issue with most countries.

  2. Roanna Z

    Hello there! And hello Sleepinghorse! *waves* 😀
    We too are already starting to see some labeling changes up here in Canada. It usually seems that anything that happens in the U.S. has a shadow effect north of the border. Large grocery chains are now carrying more GF foods, there is clearer shelf labeling, and we’re even seeing some all GF grocery stores opening!
    This is both awesome and frightening at the same time because it goes to show us the alarming number of people everywhere that are affected by gluten intolerance and Celiac disease. I’m really looking forward to learning about what research might be taking place to find what might be the root cause of this digestive evolution.
    *PS. Love that new Gluten Free ‘certification’ trademark! I hope to see more of it.


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